openAir multitrack

openAir multitrack is a high-performance multi-channel ADS-B/MLAT/OGN/ADS-L/Remote ID receiver. It offers excellent surveillance accuracy, update rate and identification information at lower cost compared to traditional surveillance systems. The device embeds a powerful multi-core processor that allows running a web-based situation and configuration display. Various output protocols are supported on the network interface. Option to attach storage device for recording of raw and decoded data for offline analysis. Messages are timestamped by a high-precision GNSS synchronized timestamp to be used in a multilateration network.

On the first channel ADS-B/MODE-S signals are received by a high sensitive 1090 MHz frontend with 90dB dynamic range, that allows receiving aircraft from a distance of 10 meters to 500 km at the same time.

The second channel is either configured to receive OGN/ADS-L on 868 or 915 MHz or UAT978 on 978 MHz. Both surveillance channels plus the GNSS input are combined to a single antenna input allowing all signals to be received from a single multiband antenna. It is still possible to attach a dedicated GNSS antenna. The Wifi antenna allows connection to wireless network and at the same time receives Remote ID for drones via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth protocols.

There is the option for an integrated 4G/LTE modem, which allows installation at places where no other source of network is available. 
