AVIONIX is rolling out a network of ground receivers based on the openAir multitrack receiver. The hardware allows collection Mode-S/ADS-B, OGN/FLARM/ADS-L and Remote ID with high quality and high precision timestamp allowing multilateration on server side. The network concentrates on suveillance of the lower airspace to provide data for drone operators and other users of this airspace. The collected data will be provided for free to the glider community to contribute to safety aspects. For professional users it will be possible to subscribe to the traffic data and a variety of services against a fee.
The ground network will be supplemented by the data received via LTE from the FollowMe 868v2 glider/drone trackers.
The network will be based only on receivers from AVIONIX with defined quality parameters. It will only allowed to be fed from the tamper-proof multitrack receiver and not from other sources with unknown quality and performance. This is to guarantee a quality-of-service and to protect against attacks like spoofing.
During 2023 the first 100 receiver stations are being rolled out and the server side processing, validation, visualisation, storage and distribution processes are finalized. With beginning of 2024 the network will be officially launched and offers subscription services. It is planned to extend the network by 1000 receiver stations per year.
Hosts of the receiver stations are rewarded with a crypto currency based on the amount and value of traffic they are feeding into the network. The crypto currency can be used to subscribe to data services or acquire additional receiver stations.
During 2023 AVIONIX distributes the multitrack receivers at promotional price to interested parties. If you are interested in one please contact sales@avionix.pl.